Friday, December 16, 2011

A Christmas Tree

In the words of my dear husband, "I am beat-dead tired." The past few days I've been getting up at the same time as Scott (actually earlier, because Micah usually is crying at about 5:00 am) to have more time in the day, and have it while Micah sleeps and I can enjoy my coffee and breakfast in peace. Yesterday, I almost fell asleep while Micah was taking a nap. Scott had just come home, so we were peacefully snuggled up, and I dozed off, only to be awakened to the sound of Micah waking from HIS nap. I groaned inside, and thought, "What the heck?? We JUST put him down!" I was obviously delirious, because I had laid him down two hours ago, and it was only 3:30 pm when he woke up. This is the usual state of things. But for some reason, I thought we had put him down at 9:00 like usual, and that it was night, we had just gone to bed, and he had woken up at 10:00. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks that he was just waking up from his NAP, and that it was not, in fact, time for bed. So that was rather amusing. After I got over the fact that I couldn't go to sleep until it was actually bedtime.

We put our tree up the other evening, which makes it feel a little more "Christmas-y" here. Still doesn't really feel like Christmas, because we are nowhere close to our families, and this time of year has always been time to spend with immediate family and extended. I miss my family so much. But, this is Micah's first Christmas, and although he won't remember it, I can at least make it the best one I can for him, and document it so we can tell him all about his first Christmas when he's older.

And now I might try to sneak in a nap. While a certain, precious little boy sleeps.

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