Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thank you for your inquiry...

*sigh*...I am sad. *my pale hand delicately raises itself to my brow...* *...swoon...*

Here is Colgate's response to the letter I e-mailed them yesterday:

Dear Mrs. Mathews:

Thank you for contacting us. We're glad that you had the opportunity to try Speed Stick Power Fresh Scent Antiperspirant.

Speed Stick Fresh Scent Antiperspirant has been reformulated and only the most current formulation is being manufactured. We do not maintain a supply of the "old" formula and, therefore, cannot send it to you directly.

Our company continues to research and test all our products even if they have been on the market for years. These tests guarantee that the performance, manufacturing and consumer satisfaction ratings meet the highest standards of excellence. This constant evaluation allows us to make decisions about whether or not to make minor formula or packaging changes. Our goal is to manufacture and market products that meet consumer needs for convenience, value and outstanding performance.

As part of our Consumer Satisfaction Policy, we are sending coupons to your postal address.  We hope you will be satisfied with the next Colgate product you buy.



My interpretation:

Dear Insane Person, 

We are awesome. Our products are awesome. So here are some coupons so you can go buy our awesome products. 

Peace out,

At least I get coupons. I suppose. 


  1. Love this! PS, thanks for posting the link, I didn't know you had started the blog!...:) Rachael

  2. Oh! Well then I'm glad I posted the link! :) I've been watching your blog, now I want to go to France even though I never have before. :P
