In my struggle against the darkness that pervades this land, or in less dramatic terms - lack of sunlight - I've tried to start exercising again in attempts at picking myself up from the slump I'm in and get more energy. But I had a problem: the Insanity work-outs we have are FAR above my abilities, Netflix no longer has the work-out shows they were previously streaming, Youtube is rather difficult to pick through to find something good, the base gym is most definitely not a regular option, and I was rather at a loss what to do. Until tonight. I had a stroke of
copying other workouts I've seen genius, and behold! Here is the result. (Note: requires the help of a spouse or someone who lives in your house. Just make sure they have the ability to show some degree of mercy.)
Zelda Workout
1. Run in place when Link runs
2. Knee highs or butt kicks when Link talks to a character
3. Do jumping jacks during fights
4. 1 burpee when an enemy is killed
5. 4 kickbox punches when a rupee/heart/item is collected
6. 2 crunches every time Link rolls
7. Mountain climbers while Link climbs a ladder or vines
8. Log jumps when Link rides a horse or other creatures
9. 5 push-ups when Link opens something
10. 10 lunges when a female smiles/giggles at Link
11. 10 burpees if Link dies
12. For bosses - a combination of all of these, depending on how the boss is fought
And...that's it! I definitely broke a sweat while doing this, so I consider it a success!
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