Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Family Fun with Viruses

You know what they say, "The family that pukes together, stays together." Or something like that. This means our fate is sealed, because we have definitely lived up to it.

It started night before last, Micah began getting sick soon after he was put to bed. I stayed the night in his room, dozing off, scrambling up to help my poor little dude to a bowl, wiping him off, holding him, then putting him back to sleep. We were so relieved yesterday that he appeared much better, though he's still not himself yet. I was so excited to be able to sleep in my own bed again, and get a good night's rest.

But it was not to be. For shortly after we'd turned in, my stomach prompted me to sprint to the bathroom and have a wretched, miserable night that turned into a wretched, miserable, early morning, that turned into a no less wretched, miserable, late morning. We finally decided to just go to the ER and get some meds. Don't judge. I was feeling desperate. I lost track of how many times I got sick.

We went to the Army hospital on post, and waited for two hours to be admitted. The entire time, I fiercely clutched the special bag they'd given me, frequently running to the bathroom, and just about using the bag several times while overhearing some of the patient conversations with the receptionist.

FINALLY, as glorious medication flowed through my veins - making me feel human again - Scott carefully set our sleeping toddler on my lap, ran to the sink, and his technicolor adventure began. After the doctor prescribed both of us this wonderful medicine, we drove to Safeway to get the prescription filled, and pick up various clear liquids to last us the next 24 hours. We decided that I should go since Scott hadn't had any medication yet, and I had. As soon as I stepped inside, the smell of Starbucks wafted to my nose, almost causing me to empty the few contents of my stomach. It took half an hour for the prescription to be filled, and I must have looked a sight, sitting pitifully next to my cart, willing myself to not be sick, and planning my fastest route to the bathroom. I had to use it once, but at least the incident prompted the pharmacy to go a little faster.

And now we are home, Scott curled up on the couch, feeling like death. I sit beside him, slowly sipping on water and Gatorade, and ward off Micah's playful attacks on his Dad.

Please pray we get through this illness quickly, so we can get back to normal life. And so we can do other, more pleasant things to "stay together." :)


  1. Man, we love you guys... Not sure why you get this extra "challenge" in life, but know that you'll get thru this and laugh someday. You post is very humorous for such a "near death" experience..You are such a great writer.. Wish I was there to take the boy for you while you recover...Dad.. M

  2. Oh I'm sorry. Praying you all feel better and back to fun things soon!

  3. Oh wow! I hope you all are doing much better now! We have been dealing with a light stomach virus here at our house! Jaxon got it first then Houston then Lance and now me. Hopefully it ends with me! I am praying for you guys though as it seems your sickness was much worse on you guys than us!
