Monday, August 27, 2012

Little Bits of Life

Well, yet again, I am apologizing for not making much effort to post. I promise, I have a reason this time! I've started a new diet or, "lifestyle," if you will. It's really hard. I mean, the good thing is, I am never feeling deprived or hungry during the day (except at night. Nights are NO FUN right now), and I am learning much, much better eating habits with real, unprocessed food. Except the food prep takes forever, especially since I'm still learning. (That's about to change, we bought a food processor last night, mwahahaha. Process ALL THE FOOD! *Ahem*) I've already lost about two and a half pounds, and this morning started Day 7! Just 3 months and 21 more days to go until I'm done with the program.

Before any of you start telling me, "Oh, but you're so skinny! You don't need to lose more weight!" with your brows all wrinkled and your noses scrunched up, let me just say... most of you haven't seen me since last April. I HAVE gained weight, and I'm not happy about it. I've let myself slide pretty far. I don't look TOO different (I think), but I definitely have 10 pounds to lose, let's just say that. I want to fit in my clothes again. And this isn't just some fad diet that's only going to help me lose weight. I just want to learn truly how to be healthy, I want to take care of myself so I don't have any more organs removed, and so I have energy to care for my family and anything else God may put my way.

ANYWAY. That's not what this post was supposed to be about. Since I keep putting it off, I just wanted to share some pictures I've taken throughout the past couple months, just to catch you up a bit. Enjoy!

A few Sundays ago, when my boys were both sick, I came home to find this contraption strapped to my son. It's a live-feed camera. 

Some silliness...

Practicing his walking...
 Reading books with Daddy... (Yes, that is a book about Mormonism. Can you tell where we're moving?)

 And MORE books by himself. (What can I say? He likes books. He often goes and sits in his little seat with a book, it is SO precious.)

 He enjoyed his first time dipping his little toes in a lake...

 Being tossed by Daddy...
 His first time on a slide...

My baby is already 1?!? (I promise, I WILL post pictures of the party.)

More bike riding...

...and an attempted photo shoot with a seriously awful lens. More to come on that one.

It's been a good summer.

P.S. If you feel so inclined to do so...please leave me a comment or text or e-mail me or SOMETHING sometimes! So I don't feel like I'm just babbling on and on to empty air. It's a surreal feeling and sometimes it's hard to post anything when it seems like no one reads it. :P


  1. I love reading your posts they always make me laugh. Please continue to post. I miss you so much

  2. I check your blog pretty much everyday. Love hearing about your life! This is so much better than facebook because it is really talking, not just tiny little niblets. Anyways, miss you very much, love you!! Sarrah

  3. I'm with Sarrah, i check every day. I love your story. And yor photos vet better all the time. Now that ive seen what Hannah and Tyler can do with their cameras, i understand your frustration with average lenses. You sure are doing well with what you have. Your composition is making good pictures now. I like the toes pic. You make me smile.

  4. Aww, thank you guys! I really appreciate it. :)
