Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's your WEDDING today!

To: My precious friend. Rachel NAGEL (it will be when you read this)


You are getting married today! I've been to many weddings before, and have EVEN had one of my own. But I believe every single one is so amazing. We've talked about it, you and I, about how wonderful it is that two imperfect people can come together, and under His blood, strive to become an image of Christ and His church, glorifying to God.

I wonder how you felt this morning when you woke up, your last day as a single person. I wonder when the intense, achingly beautiful reality of it all hit you. I wonder what the scene was like, as you made your preparations with your closest friends and family. I hope there was much laughter and joy involved, and a minimum of stress. I wonder how you felt when all was ready, and you were standing there in your dress, moments away from walking and pledging your whole life to your husband under God. I wonder how your now husband felt as he got ready to take you as his wife.

I am longing to be there, to celebrate with you, to be part of your friends and family and see you take this monumental step in your life. I wish I could see you in your white dress. I'll bet you are STUNNING. I wish I could stand up and see you walk down the aisle, and see the look on Samuel's face as he sees you in all your beauty. I have had moments today with tears in my eyes, wishing I could be there, my dear friend. Don't worry though, it's (mostly) tears of joy for you. I want you to know that I am celebrating quietly over here for you, all day long.

I hope so much that your day goes smoothly. And if there's some stress involved, well, you'll have a funny story to tell your children later, right? ;) I hope someday in the not-too-distant future, we'll see each other again in person, and we can go have hot chocolate at IHOP, and talk about anything and everything like usual, but we can talk about being wives too.

Know that I will be praying earnestly for you and your new life together, for you to both glorify God as you learn to live together, learn to serve each other, learn to lean on each other and be each other's support.

I love you.

Your friend,

P.S. You're going to have BEAUTIFUL babies. And I don't mean of the pug variety. ;)

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