Since so much has happened that I'd like to share, and there are a couple things I prefer to spend more time writing about, I'll try to catch you up on recent events in summaries.
~New development for Micah: he is now rolling over! He'd been trying really hard to do it for a week and finally managed it. Now he rolls over easily and does it every time we place him on the floor. The problem? He can roll from back to his stomach, but not stomach to back. Which means he rolls over, then eventually gets frustrated being on his stomach, tries to roll over but can't, and then starts screeching for someone to help him. I try really hard not to rescue him until he's truly desperate, I want him to learn to roll the other way so he doesn't keep getting himself stuck. Silly boy. Here is the best shot (read: the least blurry) I got of him after the first time he ever rolled over.
~I got to play piano for church again last week. And I didn't mess up too much, not even on the hymns.
~Also at church last week, Dr. Runser (he told us to call him Lloyd) and his wife invited us to go to their house after Christmas Eve service, they're having a big get together with a bunch of people and want to just sing a bunch of Christmas carols. There will be hot chocolate and cider. And there's a piano, which his wife said I could play as we sing. Woohoo! We really like these people, but Scott and I are still trying to get over how strange it is. Did I mention this is the same doctor who delivered Micah? And I knew his wife from PWOC, I had no idea she was married to HIM until last Sunday. Just... weird. But kind of cool at the same time.
~We had some REALLY bad weather last Sunday. It warmed up to almost 40 degrees! It was rather nice, the warmth, but at the same time, it was raining. Which means the roads were as slick as wet soap. It was insane. We were planning on going skiing that day with some friends, but as soon as we stepped outside, we realized we'd have to cancel. At least it gave Scott the ability to be home most of the day Monday. He got to sleep in, and was sent home really early after he got to work. So that was nice. Thankfully it's already pretty cold again and we got a bunch more snow last night. More to come this weekend too. So the roads aren't so bad anymore.
~We put up some Christmas decorations. Oh, and we may even get a free tree from the Runsers! They have it in storage and don't use it, so they offered to let us have it.
~Today was very exciting. One of my dear friends out here asked me if I would come with her when her husband gets home from an almost year-long deployment, and take pictures. I happily agreed, and today, he came home. I got a text from her this morning saying the brigade would be there at about 11:00 (which in military time means about an hour and a half later.) So I packed my camera, tripod, back-up point-and-shoot camera, the baby, and took off. Thankfully I had lots of time to get my camera set to some pretty good settings for the lighting in that building, and I think I got some good pictures. I'm excited to sit down with them and edit them a bit, and give them to her. What a huge privilege to be able to bless my friend like that. I'm so thankful and joyful for her that he is finally home, and on time for Christmas!
~I have a wonderful husband. Seriously. He helped me get almost completely caught up on the housework yesterday, now I'm much more relaxed. It's amazing to be sitting here in an almost totally clean house, with my precious little one asleep (and hence, quiet), the glow of the little bit of sunlight we get out here during winter, a good book to read (more on that later), time to actually sit down and sort of catch up on the blog, the promise of a cozy evening. So very much to be grateful for.
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