The Christmas Eve service was really nice. We sang a lot of songs, in between reading the Christmas story in Luke. There was a short message, and after it all, we darkened the room, and candles were passed to everyone in the sanctuary. The pastor lit the advent wreath, and after lighting the last candle, he passed the flame to some people, who in turn passed it to everyone else, until the room lit up. It was so beautiful. The last flame represents Jesus, I loved the symbolism behind the passing of the little flames.
After the service, we went to some friends' house to sing more songs and fellowship together. It was around Micah's bed time, so I took him upstairs to try to get him to sleep. The house our friends live in is a neat little cabin with an upstairs loft as the bedroom, and downstairs is the living room and kitchen area. So there was really no escaping the noise. But I didn't mind. In the glow from the light downstairs, I picked up my precious son and held him close to me. He snuggled in to my neck, and I laid my cheek on his soft, downy head. I quietly sang to him as the chorus downstairs rang out,
"Fall on your knees,
O hear the angel voices,
O night divine,
O night, when Christ was born!"
Tears of utter joy and gratitude sprang to my eyes. I couldn't help it. I am SO THANKFUL that Jesus came down to earth, made himself the lowest of the low, and died an excruciating death, just so that we sinful, wretched beings can know Him and come to the Father. It astounds me to think of it.
Even though I ended up having to take care of Micah upstairs, by myself the rest of the party, I didn't really mind all that much. It was a beautiful evening, one I don't want to forget.
I read this before, just don't think to comment enough.
ReplyDeleteThere is something magical about holding your precious only son as you celebrate THE Precious Only Son. You begin to understand in a way you never could before...