A very important lesson was learned last night. Do not EVER take Unisom or any other sleeping aid for that matter, when you have to get up in the middle of the night/morning to feed and care for a baby. And I should have realized, even in my delirious state of exhaustion last night, that he WOULD wake up again. And again. And again. Because he didn't even FALL asleep until 11:30 last night. That should have been my first clue. The really pathetic thing is, Mom and Scott did most of the work. And yet I still felt so tired, as though I was the one doing all the work. Talk about feeling guilty. Scott finally managed to get the silly boy to go to sleep, and he was the one who got up every single time Micah woke up last night. He even ended up having to feed him some formula at one point, because another thing our offspring has been up to lately is screaming his ever-loving head off every time I try to nurse him. I know he is hungry but he usually refuses to eat now. I have to try a new trick to get him to latch on every. single. feeding. It's even gotten as ridiculous as laying him down on his changing table (which, for some reason, he enjoys laying on), and standing over him to feed him. Absolutely ridiculous.
And now, Scott will be returning to work tomorrow, and my Mom is flying out today (which I am rather sad about) so I will have to be the one getting up with him tonight should he choose to have another screaming fest at all hours of the night. What a nightmare.
At least though, I am not in pain anymore, the incisions are healing well, and I can eat pretty much anything, I've discovered, with no repercussions. I even ate pizza yesterday and felt just fine. Today I'm trying to take it easy again though, I've been eating lots of junk food the last couple days, happy that I can eat what I want after all. But I'm trying to remind myself that I don't want my liver to malfunction next, so I'd better start eating right. Also, I lost 10 pounds in the hospital, none of which I have gained back yet, and I rather like this new feeling, and I want to keep it that way. Besides, I know I just feel good overall when I eat healthy, so I have a lot of reasons to keep on top of it. And I need to feel as good as I can while our little bugger decides to be an absolute pill for an indefinite period of time.
And I'm going to post this now because I wrote this YESTERDAY and I didn't actually post because I wanted to include some pictures, but the pictures I wanted to include are cute, happy ones that do not match the content of this post at all, and since I may not have time today to get to the pictures (I never know what each day is going to throw at me), I figured I might as well do it right now and perhaps post more later. With the pictures. Does this make any sense? Oh well.
Because things have already gotten better since my pathetic gripe fest.
More later.
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