So, this'll be a boring post but I'm hoping you read it and keep me in your prayers. I'll try to post some more interesting things later. :)
For the past several weeks, I've been having what seems like stomach problems, always at night when I'm trying to sleep, so it's rather frustrating because when it flares up I CANNOT sleep. And I NEED sleep in the worst way. The symptoms were rather strange, nothing I've ever felt before (my upper abdomen and my upper back both intensely hurt at the same time, and the pain is a weird one), and I didn't think a doctor would be helpful at all. But really early this morning during a really painful attack, to distract myself and desperate to come up with an answer, I did some different research online and found something that EXACTLY matched my symptoms. It may be a gallbladder problem. That's probably way more than you all wanted to know. :P I called the Eielson clinic and set up an appointment for Monday, and a nurse talked to me and said that sure enough, it does sound like a gallbladder problem.
The bigger problem is that I really don't trust doctors anymore. I mean really. I'm borderline psychotic about them now I think. I'm afraid they're going to decide that if I have stones or something, the only way to "cure" me would be to give me invasive surgery and remove it altogether. Something I really don't think is the best option. But doctors these days seem to be more concerned about money and convenience for themselves than about the actual patients, and of course, people listen to them because, well, they're the "expert." And I'm finding myself disagreeing with how they do things more and more, whether they're handling my child or me. But I was in so much pain this morning, I didn't know what else to do but to make an appointment with a doctor. At least they'll be sticking needles in ME and not in my poor son (this might not make sense to some of you, so to clarify, Micah was hospitalized a while back for absolutely no reason whatsoever. And had 6 IV's and a spinal tap.) So I guess the big prayer request is, please pray that everything is ok with me, and that I don't really have anything that would require surgery. Also, please pray that Scott and I have wisdom whatever happens at this appointment. I am thoroughly sick and tired of doctors and clinics and hospitals.
And one more thing, please pray that I don't have another flare up before Monday, they're getting really bad and I still have to take care of Micah and it is SO hard to do that when I am in pain. Anyway, thanks for reading, it's a relief to kind of get that off my mind. Perhaps I will be able to post some happier things and pictures later on. :) But if not, have a wonderful weekend!
We will definitely be praying for you Erin!!!
ReplyDeleteI understand about disliking Doctors. I will be praying for you.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for you Erin! I know how hard it must be to take care of Micah while you are in pain! I pray that it gets much better for you! love ya!