I feel like I owe an explanation to all of you, especially those of you who already have blogs and are much better writers than I am. (Amy... I already LOVE your blog.) I needed to start this in order to keep everyone who's interested updated with what's going on in my life, because I am absolutely SICK of facebook and all that it entails. I am not a great writer. I've been reading some other blogs for a while that are absolutely fascinating or funny or just plain enjoyable to read. This is not one of those blogs. But I enjoy writing, and hopefully it'll help me say everything I'd like to get off my mind, so that my poor husband is spared excessive chatter from me, as he is the only adult with whom I have contact on a daily basis. ;) I am determined to be completely candid on here. Most of you who I've lured into reading this know me well enough to know that I tend to be rather a perfectionist, and I like things clean and neat and orderly. No messiness. Well, unfortunately, my heart is not like that at all. I'm a messy human being. I like to hide it. I don't like people seeing what kind of a person I really am, and I've begun to realize that I must be one of the most Pharisaical (I couldn't spell that...) people on the face of this earth. So now I'm going to do my very best to be completely open to exposing my messiness for what it is, and to view myself on a daily basis as God would have me: I am nothing, and He is EVERYTHING.
Also...since I'm a new mom I'll most likely end up talking about other gross things, like poop. (I'm cracking myself up right now. Is this sad or what?) Because my life has lots of that in it. I hope you don't mind. But I'll counteract that kind of gross-ness with pictures of my sweet little guy, so hopefully you won't all leave. :)
Since I'm so excited about starting this blog, and I have not much else to do today, I may add another post today (is that allowed? Two posts in one day?? I guess I don't have enough kids yet.) But for now, my son is getting fussy, and I have to go to the dump to throw out the trash bags because the garage is really smelly right now, and I have to go to the Post Office to pick up a package. So without further ado...
Goodbye... *ominous music*
...for now!
hehe girl, you are funny! I will not leave your blog. I love hearing about your thoughts and what is going on with you guys and how you all are doing! :)