Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Catching pictures.

Finally! A moment with Micah asleep, Scott isn't using this computer, and I can afford to indulge in a little free time today. So here are a few pictures to catch up.

This is what we woke up to on Sunday morning. You can't really see the snow in the first shot, because Scott's grill was on the porch and taking up most of a clear shot to the backyard, plus there's this ugly post in our backyard that wouldn't really make a good subject. So I was kinda stuck shooting up into the trees. I like that I got the moon at least.

And a couple better shots after I moved the silly grill.

Of course I had to include my baby. I have this rather biased opinion that any picture is better with him in it. :)

It snowed again last night and everything looks much whiter now than it did before. We probably have a good two inches out there now. Very pretty... right now. It's not going to be so nice anymore when it's March and there's no sign of the snow being gone at all. 

Yesterday was a good day. Micah only woke up once (same as last night!) and a friend of mine with whom I am getting better acquainted had a birthday, so we celebrated by going out to lunch at this amazing Thai restaurant in town. Afterwards, we spent a cozy afternoon at my house looking up youtube videos to share our favorite music with each other, and talking about anything and everything. I really enjoy her company, she's a very sweet, godly young lady, and a mom herself of a nine month old baby. She grew up in Spain since her parents were missionaries, and she is a ballet dancer and knows how to speak French. Also, I discovered she loves listening to the radio station out here that plays classical music and NPR (as do I). I feel so refined when I spend time with her. I guess I kind of wish sometimes that I was that classy, so it's fun to pretend I am for a while, as I sort of live vicariously through her when I learn more about her life. But I wouldn't trade lives, I definitely am grateful for where I am now, and for my little family. That beats everything. I hope very much to get to know her better still, and to enjoy true fellowship with her, since she is not afraid of challenging others and being challenged herself in our spiritual walks. 

And on a completely different topic... I am getting more and more flustered with the pictures I take. I can't wait 'til I can capture great shots and do it quickly. 'Cause the best facial expressions, gestures, positions, etc. all happen in a split second, and the lighting is usually awful, and the pictures are sometimes a bit blurry, and I'm not good at getting them with the perfect settings. But I'm determined to get better. I hate posting pictures on here that I don't really consider very good, but these are all capturing every day life around here, even if they're not the best quality. 

Now my boy is awake, there is a fridge to be cleaned out, a happy baby to play with, floors to be swept (AGAIN), a car to clean out, a bed to be made, ANOTHER load of laundry to be done, and on and on the list goes. So I leave you with a couple of smiles. :)

1 comment:

  1. Handsome little man! The snow is fun to look at from here :)
